Breaking the Radio Silence: Ubuntu Tribe is Back with Important Updates!

It’s been a while since we reached out to our community with news, and here’s why. Within the past 3 months, we have: 


1. Developed the first Beta of TribeOne:

TribeOne is one of the three core products we aim to launch in the short-run. It is a Social Commercial platform, which provides local communities with access to financial services and business management tools, as well as enables people to launch social impact initiatives together to foster local, bottom-up development. It also acts as a platform where anybody can access 2 of our other core products – UBX and GODL, our gold- and equity-backed investment tools – and track their performance.

2. Reached the final stage of negotiations with our key partners:

Ubuntu Tribe vision is ambitious and encompasses a whole range of activities along the gold production and tokenization value chain. That’s why we’re creating a whole network of contractors to ensure smooth processes for our users – from gold mines pre-financing, mining, transportation, audition, storage, shipping and so on to our investment tools distribution to common users through our partners’ online and physical retail spots. Subscribe for our Newsletters here so you don’t miss important updates on this – there will be plenty soon!

3. Launched a new website:

Our previous website was literally made by our – talented! – founding team with no help from professional designers or marketers. Finally, as our team grows, we’ve worked it out and released a new, more user-friendly version: Be sure to check it out and let us know what you think about it! 


4. Revised our brand identity: 

Yes, we no longer call ourselves Ubuntu Coin! We realized that Ubuntu Tribe better conveys the sense of unity and interconnectedness that are the underlying principles of all of our products. At the same time, the word “Coin” was misleading as we’re not creating any coins or cryptocurrencies. Instead, what we create is digital asset certificates stored on the blockchain – or digital gold and digital shares, if you will. 

5. Received seed investments and grew our team twice:

We have several new team members who will:

1) Help us with legal work – which is plenty, considering that we are devoted to making our upcoming fundraising round (via STO) as regulatory-compliant and in as many countries as possible.
2) Be in charge of marketing – in particular, leading the customer and product development to ensure a perfect fit between our solutions and people’s needs and abilities on the ground. The marketing team will also share with you our latest news via blog posts like this one, newsletters, Telegram news channel, and social media posts.
3) Represent us in Africa – where our primary markets are – as our local Ambassadors and Advisors complementing our international founding team. See more info on our 30+ member team here!

6. Presented Ubuntu Tribe vision at the World Economic Forum 2020:

Our team members have been actively participating in the WEF for many years. No surprise they’ve developed a wide network of global leaders that are perfect supporters for Ubuntu Tribe’s vision. That’s why we organized a 1,000+ attendees event at WEF 2020, Davos Africa Night, where we officially presented the Ubuntu Tribe project to dozens of politicians including African state leaders, C-suite executives, world-class impact entrepreneurs, etc. As a result, the feedback we received surpassed our expectations and fueled us with even more energy and devotion to what we do. We also built many brilliant connections that are already helping us bring Ubuntu vision to life. By the way, here is our blog post where you can read more about this event. We hope you’ll enjoy it!

Due to all mentioned above, we have been so busy we haven’t even had time to share all this amazing news with you. But starting from today, it’s going to change. 


Be the first to hear our news and help us improve! Here is how:

Ubuntu Tribe is all about boosting communities and growing together in an interconnected way. We heavily rely on your opinion and support. That’s why we want to make sure that information circulates effectively between us and from now on, start sharing our updates through the following channels:

1. Blog posts:

We’ll be publishing weekly blog posts on our latest achievements, event participation, product vision, investment opportunities, etc. in our blog.

2. Weekly newsletters:

We’ll be sending out weekly newsletters to our subscribers with not only our latest blog posts but also more intimate updates available to our subscribers only. Make sure to subscribe for our newsletter by pushing the “Stay in Touch” button at our home page! No spam, we promise 🙂

3. Telegram News Channel:

Sharing all our blog posts and quick updates on our Telegram News Channel – for those whose email boxes are overcrowded (yes, we feel your pain!).

4. Social Media updates:

Sharing all our blog posts and other relevant information on financial inclusion and impact initiatives on our social media: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.


Ubuntu Tribe is all about community – so join the Tribe today and let’s evolve together!

If you have any ideas or suggestions to share – don’t hesitate to contact our team at

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